Sunday, March 21, 2010


omg omg omg. i so miss the old suju. where all 13 are just happy smiling. miracle always made me smile! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

anyways. today was egg-citing! ud birthday! happy birthday ud! damn. i miss those days we mugged and studied sastera together. haha. all those essays.. and those times in the lib toiling hard, squeezing our brains. then its theathre time! wow. its been a long..... time since i get into such intense discussions about the prevalent social issues. intersting. and i'm looking forward to theathre!!! weheeeee.

been eating tooo much this week. gosh. wed was ayam penyet with oppa, thurs was sushi buffet with seri, fri was lau pa sat seafood dinner, sun sushi again with ud+star bucks with seniors. i should start working out again. but.. i'm sick. :(

when am i going to get well. i can concentrate on my work. horrible pysically, mentally and emotionally.

reports and more reports.


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