Friday, February 26, 2010


credits to hearfelt@2od *puffed cheeks O.O

i can seriously strangle someone now. raghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

i really should work harder for my tests. AND projects especially.
But body tells heart, 'you are going to fall sick soon, so better sleep early!' but heart says, 'I cant! i have financial planing test and reports to write!' Body says, 'SCREW IT!' Heart replied, ' I'm sorry body, i just cant...' and so body+heart stayed up late to study and write reports. sigh. So now, body has a banging headache and a swollen heart from keeping in anger.

on a happier note, alhamdullilah for commercial law test. i almost did sujud syukur. god knows how i felt.


God, grant me more patience to deal with this. T__________________T


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